Advanced approval note - Why the assigned approval is disappeared and the quote get approved automatically?
Use case: There are 3 approval levels that the quote has to go through for discount: Step 1: Direct managers (discount =< 3% and margin >=50%) Step 2: VP (discount > 3% and margin >=50%) Step 3: SVP (discount >0 and margin <50%) In quote 02613, the discount is 5% but margin is above 50%, the quote needs approval from Direct Manager (step 1) and VP (step 2). After the direct manager approves the request, the quote get approved automatically and the VP approval request is deleted. Solution: Check the Excluded Statuses field in the Approval Rule and make sure the Pending status is removed. Based on salesforce documentation, Salesforce CPQ does not apply this rule to approvals with any of the chosen statuses, which was not quite clear to me. After testing and fail several times, searching on the internet, I even tumble across the same question on CPQ community without no answer. Finally I got on the call with a CPQ support and they recommended me to check...